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Kopi Muncar yang Semakin Moncer, Kisah Desa Sejahtera Berkat Dukungan Astra

Tren ngopi kian meningkat di era serbadigital saat ini. Berbagai produk minuman yang menggunakan kopi semakin menyemarakkan pasar kuliner Nusantara, mulai kopi tubruk original hingga dengan aneka campuran. Pesatnya media sosial justru membuka pintu pemasaran yang nyaris tanpa batas tapi juga hemat serta mendukung produktivitas. Kopi Nusantara, salah satu kekayaan lokal yang menjanjikan keuntungan finansial (Dok. Menurut data yang dirilis oleh United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) atau Departemen Pertanian Amerika Serikat, produksi kopi global pada periode 2022/2023 mencapai 170 juta kantong per 60 kg kopi. Kabar menggembirakan, Indonesia berada di urutan ketiga sebagai negara penghasil kopi terbesar di dunia menyusul Brazil dan Vietnam. Pada kurun 2022/2023 Indonesia tercatat telah menghasilkan kopi sebanyak 11,85 juta kantong, yakni kopi Arabika sebanyak 1,3 juta kantong dan Robusta 10,5 juta kantong. Kendati Brazil mendominasi dengan produksi kopi sebany...

How Rain Tree Fights Pollution and Restores Water Resources in Bojonegoro

Pollution has been a major issue that Indonesian people are very concerned about. Big cities like Jakarta and Surabaya have become everybody’s concern since we breathe urban air every single day. While the use of electric vehicles is highly recommended, most people would disagree with various reasons.  Whatever the debate revolves around, the main issue remains. Pollution is inevitable and this young man from Sumberagung, Dander District, Bojonegoro Regency, was encouraged to take real action to restore the deteriorating quality of oxygen in Bojonegoro using the rain tree. The tree is also of great use in bringing back water resources that were diminished due to mining activities.  Rain tree is proven to be able to restore oxygen quality and water resources.   Instead of complaining and launching an aggressive protest, Samsul Arifin Wijoyosukmo initiated GSN which stands for Green Star Nusantara. Founded in 2010, GSN aims to encourage people to care for the environme...

Tips Belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan Mudah

Belajar bahasa Inggris dengan mudah adalah dambaan setiap orang. Sayangnya, kenyataan tidak selalu sejalan dengan keinginan. Yang tampak sulit ternyata sulit betulan. Yang dianggap mudah rupanya sulit saat dilakukan. Begitu juga dengan proses belajar bahasa Inggris. Harus punya tips atau cara tersendiri untuk menyiasati belajar yang mudah. Di antara beberapa kiat atau tips belajar bahasa Inggris yang mudah tapi terjangkau adalah sebagai berikut. Tak perlu gentar atau menyerah sebelum mencoba. Tantangan ada untuk ditaklukkan, bukan dihindari. Terserah tinggal di pedesaan atau kompleks perumahan , peluang maju ada di tangan sesuai ikhtiar. Belajar bahasa Inggris mandiri dari buku Longman atau Oxford. (Doc. 1. Tambah kosakata Kunci utama dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing apa pun adalah koleksi kata-kata. Kekayaan kata yang memadai akan membantu kita dalam bercakap atau berkomunikasi. Cara paling mudah menambah vocabulary adalah mencatat dalam buku kecil setiap kata asi...

I'm Not A Happy Camper

The pandemic that has been around for more than a semester here in the country has created a heck bunch of consequences most of which are unbearable. Not only are people driven mad in favor of their own ego, their actions reflect what they believe as human. It was pathetic for sure. People in most cities and towns, even in rural areas, have tended to neglect the health protocols recommended by the government. They have obviously rejected the command of wearing face mask or face shield. Physical distancing is no longer familiar as they do enjoy gathering in many public places. Me and my family have consistently denied any request or invitation to join any occasions that mobilize people. This has led to a verdict that we are asocial people. Some even suggest we move to the woods to be in company with animals. At some point, we are not a happy camper. We feel a little bit depressed to have been treated that way. We have described the reason of not attending any event yet they do not seem ...

Down in The Dumps

I have been down in the dumps lately due to the process of moving out to my hometown. Finding the best vehicle to transport our goods and belonging has been no easy task. Luckily, my brother has helped me out to get a truck from where he is living. On the other side, we have concerns about the capacity of the truck in accommodating our stuff. We don't have lots of things though, but books are our treasure which cannot be left behind. Don't let yourself down in the dumps (Credit: cookie studio/freepik) The truck driver has required us to get him a cover letter from the local district police to keep him secure during the travel. You know what, dealing with police officers and other government officials is something we Indonesians are fed up with. Yes, I'm so worried and feeling uneasy. Unhappy thoughts run through me. Idiomatically, I'm being down in the dumps . Down in the Dumps artinya sangat bersedih, sedang gelisah

Off the Beaten Track

Back to the years of senior high school, I was once spending a night in my best friend's home. While his village is administered to Lamongan Regency, the location was quite far from the capital city and was actually closer to Bojonegoro administration. I couldn't hide my surprise when spotting the houses as well as the street in the village. They were totally different from I normally see in my neighborhood. The houses looked so outmoded that I almost forgot my whereabouts. Off the beaten track = very remote (Credit: wirestock/freepik) I jokingly said to him, "Man, is the village of yours still under Soekarno presidency or what?" He responded with a smile. The objects in the village tended to create a particular ambiance of antiquity. Something very old-fashioned. In order to get to the place, we had to take a bus and then ride a rented motorcycle as there was no other public transport available. When I had to poop, my friend led me to a large river where a...

Flying Off The Handle

People today are more cranky, I guess. They get exasperated very easily no matter how trivial the issue is. It's especially true in the era of social media. Any status published on Facebook, or its sister Instagram, is likely to trigger a conflict among netizens. Don't be angry (Credit: benzoix/freepik) One may post a very personal status, regarding his/her own experience, and will have to be ready for opposition despite the fact the status is of no one's interest. Surprisingly, readers on social media are getting angry very instantly. In terms of idiom, they fly off the handle. When hearing particular news or a status, sometimes a blog post, people tend to lose temper quite easily. All of a sudden, they lose control of themselves and immediately show they are being ticked off. Fly Off the Handle artinya Cepat marah, mudah tersulut kemarahan