Pollution has been a major issue that Indonesian people are very concerned about. Big cities like Jakarta and Surabaya have become everybody’s concern since we breathe urban air every single day. While the use of electric vehicles is highly recommended, most people would disagree with various reasons. Whatever the debate revolves around, the main issue remains. Pollution is inevitable and this young man from Sumberagung, Dander District, Bojonegoro Regency, was encouraged to take real action to restore the deteriorating quality of oxygen in Bojonegoro using the rain tree. The tree is also of great use in bringing back water resources that were diminished due to mining activities. Rain tree is proven to be able to restore oxygen quality and water resources. Instead of complaining and launching an aggressive protest, Samsul Arifin Wijoyosukmo initiated GSN which stands for Green Star Nusantara. Founded in 2010, GSN aims to encourage people to care for the environme...
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